Previous Projects


2014 - Present


1996 - 2013


1988 - 1990


1985 - 1995


1976 - 1987


1972 - 1975


1965 - 1972


1960 - 1965


Short Term Consulting Assignments






General Approach

The services Ian McLennan provides to museums, science centres, planetariums, themed attractions, not-for-profit organizations and World Expositions is personal and customized to the requirements of a given project. In other words, there is no formula analysis or cookie-cutter reports.

A favourite way of approaching a project is to organize, facilitate and conduct one, or a series, of workshops with the project stakeholders - typically board, staff, volunteers - to extract the critical information from the source about logical options for the future. Ian�s extensive background in the field therefore becomes part of the resource mosaic; on the other hand, he does not impose any bias or preconceived agenda on the process.��

Although Ian has many friends in the commercial side of the business, he remains steadfastly non-aligned with companies that provide goods or services to the destination institutions and organizations, so that the advice is unbiased and objective.

Ian is known for follow-up reports that are clear, jargon-free, and useful. Typically, the reports grow out of the collaboration with the client � so whilst there may be innovative, new ideas and even daring options, there are never any surprises.
feasibility analysis (if not yet built, or undergoing renovation planning)
governance and management analysis, advice; priorities and goal setting
positioning or branding possibilities (sometimes with a marketing consultant)
space planning analysis
capital and operating budget development
fund raising, sponsorship development and earned revenue possibilities
advice on latest exhibit techniques, information theory
pre-design feasibility analysis and conceptual development
technical options analysis � with pros and cons on major choices
assistance with negotiating/ coordinating significant technical contracts
space planning in collaboration with project architect
coordination of theatre design/ traffic flow characteristics
show production concept development and production coordination
capital and operating budget development; analysis of staffing requirements
capital and operating budget development; analysis of staffing requirements
development of governance and management models
conceptual overview and criteria for space and astronomy exhibits, design

up-to-date advice on latest technology and emerging trends

latest advice on advanced, all-dome digital science visualization (programming and technical)
Science Centres
feasibility study of site and positioning options, scale
space programming with project architect; technical advisor to architect
conceptual advisor on content and sources of exhibitry (includes travelling exhibits)
partnerships, collaboration and strategic alliances - advice and assistance
donor and sponsorship profile development
organizational/ management/ staffing analysis, recommendations
large format film and simulator experience... criteria development
up-to-date immersive science visualization/ data bases technology advice
Not-For-Profit Organizations & NGOs
priority and goal setting

governance and management analysis - with Robert Ballantyne - Ballantyne & Associates

program analysis, optional new directions
fund raising advice and assistance; earned income initiative development
Themed Attractions
advice on sources of technical and creative development

specific liaison on resources within Themed Attraction Association - www.taacanada.com

conceptual and creative advice/ coordination
marketing, positioning assistance; sources of merchandising expertise
assistance with �edu-tainment� criteria and components
World Expositions
establishment of broad conceptual themes, choices
governance and administrative advice; diplomatic context
sourcing of technical and creative, including design, expertise
specific background on United Nations representation (formerly Deputy Commissioner General)
international marketing, promotion and participation development
conceptual development of theme sites, plus theme events, days, weeks
cultural programming, special events and show production sourcing